About us

Studio Legale Sardo has been counselling its clients in the fields of civil law, commercial and corporate law and international commercial law since 1969. The Firm’s lawyers, in addition to a consolidated experience in judicial matters, offer their services for the drafting of opinions and contracts related to the management of a company.

Furthermore, the Firm cooperates on a continuous basis with important foreign law firms and it also advises Italian clients in cross-border matters and foreign clients operating in Italy. Studio Legale Sardo is a member of the ULN (United Legal Network), European Economic Interest Grouping (E.E.I.G) of international law firms. The Firm’s clients include businesses operating in the key commercial sectors.

Lawyer News



Ex coniuge con assegno divorzile: chiarimenti sulla tempistica per la quota del TFR

<p>L’<a href="https://onelegale.wolterskluwer.it/document/10LX0000113337ART14"



Falsità sulle proprie condizioni di reddito e tenuità del fatto

<p>Ai fini del riconoscimento del